A1C Cuddeback 7th Annual Memorial 5K

When: Saturday, March 3rd @ 9:00AM till 10:30AM


Address: Ramstein Southside Fitness Center, Ramstein

Please come out, throw on your jersey, and run/walk in memory of one of our own fallen Eagles. This year marks the seven year anniversary of A1C Zachary "Cudde" Cuddeback's death. He was killed in Frankfurt serving his country the morning after one of our Eagles' practices.

A1C Zachary Cuddeback was an outstanding individual who served as a vehicle operator/dispatcher for the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron (VRS) for over a year and was an integral part of the VRS family. He is survived by his mother, father, and brother in America.

Come out and help honor our fallen and #16 retired.

----If someone doesn't want to run, they are also looking for volunteers before/during/after the run. If anyone is interested, please send us an email.----

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Modified by: Kat Gilbert

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